Monday, April 25, 2011

Whoop there it is

Yep that's it....

Here's my latest hope for this spring and summer.  I know it looks like a big brown spot of blah....but the potential that it holds just waiting to be unleashed has yet to be measured.  And by the end of this summer I hope it exceeds all my expectations with all the research hours and man hours I've put into it already.

That's my garden.  All 2,000 square feet of it.  Seeds are here and will be started in the next couple of days.  I openly admit I've spent too many hours planning and scheming to put everything in place just right to get the most out of it.

I wish I was kidding.  I planned it all out on paper, and have redone the numbers a few more times just to be sure I've got it right.  I rerun the numbers just to make sure I haven't over estimated or not accounted for something.  The worst of it is until till its planted I won't stop thinking about it.  Because once its planted at that point its done.  Then I can move and actually respond to it, rather than deal with issues I can think up instead of what's being really going on.  I feel like an invading general with my legions of vegetables ready to conquer and hold the territory, as I make arrangements to strategically place them. 

I've already put down 12 wheelbarrow loads of manure in it to help ammend the clay that I'm working with, which I know will make a difference to.  I don't know but I know somethings better than nothing.
So down will go my jack-o-lanterns, my sugar baby watermellons.  The early girls, the better boys, the romas and a few cherries.  The cucumbers, the yellow squash, and zucchini.  Red skins, russets, and a couple of purple potatoes (for the kids at Thanksgiving dinner) and 4 colors of sweet peppers, red, orange, yellow and green.  I do plan on a couple of hot peppers to make salsa with too.  I have the materials for my pole bean teepees, but they won't go up till I plant everything else.

So that's the plans so far.  I will stagger the peppers and tomatoes so we'll constantly be in tomatoes.  I plan on doing 1/2 of the early girls, better boys, and romas in one planting then a few weeks later start the second planting of the other 1/2.  The germination times between the two should have us blooming in tomatoes from the time the first ones come up through the summer.  But we all know about the best laid plans....

So armed with my peat pots and trays working the miracle we call sprouting I will continue to keep this updated as things progress.  BRING ON THE SUNSHINE AND FRESH EATS!!!!